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A Semester at Disney!

By: Summit St. John

Hi everyone! My name is Summit St. John, and I’m a 3rd year Wildlife Science student here at Warnell. While I love Warnell and all things Athens, last Spring of 2023 I spent 5 months working at Walt Disney World on a Disney College Program! It was an incredible experience, and I’m so happy to share more about my experience! 

College Program participants spend their time at Disney working full time in the parks and resorts, while also having the opportunity to gain networking experience from professionals and learn all things Disney. Being raised a Disney kid, this program has been on my radar for many years, and I was lucky enough to have the perfect opening to apply last Spring.

I worked in my role as a lifeguard at some of the resorts on property, and being in such a fulfilling role was an amazing learning experience in itself. I gained so many skills in emergency preparedness and vigilance that I can carry with me to so many future experiences! I truly cannot complain when my work days included having poolside dance parties, cannonball contests, and so many more magical moments! 

When I was not working at the resorts, you could find me exploring the parks and making the most of my perks! As a wildlife student, of course I am partial to Animal Kingdom as my favorite park, so a lot of my time was spent on the safari or walking the wildlife trails. I made so many core memories and had so many new experiences. Needless to say, I had the best way to spend days off!

If you are a student and are thinking about going out on a limb and embarking on an experience that might look way different from your college life, this is your sign to go for it! I’m so grateful to have spent the semester doing something out of my comfort zone in a place that is so near and dear to my heart. While it was a bittersweet goodbye, the memories and skills are with me everyday as I continue on my degree path here at Warnell.

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